

金沙赌场,我们致力于与供应商建立牢固的合作伙伴关系. 我们希望我们的供应商能和我们一样对安全做出承诺, 环境管理, 道德商业行为, 良好的劳动实践和人权.

Gulfport Energy manages supply chain risk through a rigorous process that considers the safety performance, 财务业绩, 培训项目, 以及我们供应商的其他指标. The Supply Chain Department maintains lists of preferred suppliers that Gulfport Energy is authorized to do business with in our areas of operation. 供应商 who are considered for preferred supplier status with Gulfport Energy go through an evaluation and selection process. 评估过程可能包括实地考察、审计、背景调查. Preferred suppliers may also be awarded work through a competitive bid process and have demonstrated offerings of competitively priced goods or services. 供应商 will only be added to this list after they have passed all internal requirements for qualification.



供应商 with preferred status will only be added after the following conditions have been met:

  1. 成功完成湾港主导的EHS审核
  2. Submission of documentation of required insurance based on the type of work and level of risk
  3. 成功完成初步财务评估
  4. Formal signing of a Master Services Agreement that corresponds to the type of work the Supplier is approved to perform

Please refer to our 环境 健康 Safety Requirements tab for information about our 环境, 健康 & 安全计划详情.


供应商 performing work for Gulfport Energy must provide a certificate of insurance prior to beginning work. 保险需求 will vary depending on the nature of the work to be performed and will be agreed to in the MSA or another written agreement. 以下金沙赌场是我们保险要求的例子:

  1. 证书持有人名称必须包括协议中列出的所有湾港实体
  2. 一般责任
  3. 汽车责任
  4. 工人的补偿
  5. 雇主的责任
  6. 过多的责任
  7. 额外的保险
  8. 放弃代位权
  9. 污染保险


如果您金沙赌场是金沙赌场的供应商, 您需要通过OpenInvoice提交电子发票. Gulfport utilizes OpenInvoice to streamline the invoicing and payment processes and improve communications with our 供应商. 有关如何注册的信息,请参阅下文.


To submit your invoices via OpenInvoice, please complete the form in the following link: http://www.openinvoice.com/docp/reg.do?code=GGKSBM


OpenInvoice金沙赌场是一个易于使用的, 基于web的工具,使您能够以电子方式创建和提交发票, 促进争议解决,并在线跟踪发票和付款状态. 格尔夫波特将承担与典型配置相关的费用, 培训, 并支持您的供应商帐户.



如果您对您的发票状态有任何疑问,请发电子邮件 GPAP@mofangziyuan.com.



格尔夫波特要求所有承包商遵守其环境,健康 & 安全(EHS)政策、标准和指南. 承包商应执行书面的EHS, 毒品和酒精, 应急准备政策, 以及适用于格尔夫波特工地的工作程序.

如果你被选中并被批准作为承包商为格尔夫波特工作, 你将需要订阅ISNetworld. 格尔夫波特使用各种标准, 包括, 但不限于, 主服务协议(MSA), 评审和验证服务(RAVs), 评估, 和培训, 给承包商评分. 格尔夫波特要求仪表盘至少达到“C”级. 有关格尔夫波特要求的信息,请致电800与ISN联系.976.1303或电邮至 GulfportISNTeam@isn.com


Gulfport expects all vendors to complete an industry recognized orientation program (ie. Safeland, IADC的HSE钻机通行证),然后开始工作. The OSHA 10 Hour orientation is another acceptable 培训 program as long as the elective and optional components address the key job hazards that may occur on Gulfport’s work sites. 承包商的等效, in-house safety orientations may be acceptable as long as they include the topics covered in the Safeland syllabus and are approved by Gulfport prior to starting work on our sites. 这些课程的清单金沙赌场如下.

  • 事故报告及调查
  • 事故预防标志和标签
  • 手的安全
  • 材料处理
  • 行为安全
  • 急救/心肺复苏术/ AED
  • 密闭空间
  • 锁定/标记
  • 药物/酒精/药物滥用
  • Hazcom
  • 热加工
  • H2S安全意识
  • 停工权
  • 现场特定危害和应急响应
  • 防火及手提式灭火器
  • 行走工作台
  • 工作安全分析
  • 个人防护装备
  • 呼吸防护
  • 预防工作场所暴力
  • 高空作业
  • 司机的安全
  • 环境
  • 挖掘。挖沟和支撑


Gulfport requires that all contractors providing safety sensitive work review the following 培训 material prior to working on a Gulfport site:

Contractors will receive a hard hat sticker upon completion that will be valid for three years. Contractors failing to comply with these conditions could result in removal from location until requirements are met. Gulfport EHS will be routinely inspecting hard hat stickers and / or completion of 培训 records through ISN to ensure compliance.

培训材料可以在您的ISNetworld帐户上找到并查看. 如有任何问题,请通过GulfportISNTeam@isn与ISN联系.com.



格尔夫波特致力于维持一个没有毒品、酒精和武器的工作场所. Contractors are required to have a written 毒品和酒精 program that complies with Gulfport’s policies and federal, 状态, 本地及适用时, 美国.S. 运输部规章. 至少, 承包商项目应提供就业前培训, 随机, 合理的怀疑, 以及事后测试.

Gulfport utilizes the services of TPS Alert to perform program routine audits of our contractors’ 毒品和酒精 programs.


Various 状态 laws allow individuals to keep legally obtained and possessed firearms in their locked personal vehicles in employer parking areas. Gulfport recognizes that individuals do have the right to possess firearms in their “locked” personal vehicle. 不遵守规定的人可能会被赶出工作地点.



有疑问的时候,大声说出来! 如果你发现有不当行为或违反了格尔夫港的政策, 包括我们的代码或供应商代码, we expect you to report it immediately to a member of Gulfport management or by using our Ethics & 诚信服务热线.  举报可以匿名进行.  
我们的保密道德 & 诚信服务热线 金沙赌场是一天24小时,一周7天. 它金沙赌场是独立、安全和保密的.


(833) 254 – 0810


任何报复行为, 或者金沙赌场是报复行为的威胁, 反对任何员工, 供报告的供应商或承包商, 真诚地, 已知或怀疑的不当行为, 或者对参与调查的人进行举报金沙赌场是不能容忍的. 报复性行为的例子包括解雇、纪律处分、降职或虐待. We will make every effort to protect the confidentiality of reports of concerns and the identities of those who make reports or participate in an investigation. 然而, 可能会有这样的情况, 由于调查的性质或某些法律要求, 公开某人的身份金沙赌场是必要的. 在这些情况下, we will work closely with the reporting individual to address any questions or concerns.


Please have your business partner at Gulfport Energy reach out to their Supply Chain lead to identify whether we have all the current information on file and whether you still have approved status. 在金沙赌场, we have a stringent process to approve suppliers – even if you have an old MSA on file, we will need to validate multiple items before you can start working on any contract that has been awarded to you through a competitive bid process.

All suppliers who sell products or services to Gulfport Energy need to have a contract in place. There are various approved methods of contracts depending on the type of work being performed.

感谢你对金沙赌场感兴趣. 金沙赌场在授予合同前对所有供应商进行评估. 请查看被批准为金沙赌场供应商的要求. 如果你觉得你符合这些要求, 您可以联系您当地的联系人,要求将其添加到投标清单或电子邮件中 vendors@mofangziyuan.com.

如果你有一张过期的发票,请随时联系 GPAP@mofangziyuan.com 获取最新状态. Please note, the default method of payment is via check and please allow for delivery via mail.

金沙赌场按照合同中列出的付款条款支付发票. 如果你想修改你的付款条件, 请与供应链部联系,电话 vendors@mofangziyuan.com. Please note that the award of work was made in consideration of the payment terms and in some cases, 更改条款的请求可能会改变奖励状态. Notification of a request to change terms does not automatically mean that the change in terms will be accepted by Gulfport Energy.

金沙赌场经常收到主动提出的延长现有合同的请求. 我们感谢你有兴趣继续与金沙赌场合作. Please reach out to the Supply Chain team directly to have such discussions at vendors@mofangziyuan.com.